
Breast Feeding

I pumped exclusively for our boys for 7 months.

I was able to keep my supply up & met their needs 100% for the first 4 months, then I had to supplement a few ounces of formula a day for them. This is also about the time they started sleeping through the night.

I was unable to take any supplements to help produce more milk, when I did the boys refused my milk. A doctor told me to drink a beer everyday. It actually helped a lot!!! I also held each of the boys when I fed them for skin to skin contact. By the time I finished feeding all 3 I felt like I would pop & immediately had to pump.

My milk was slow to come out, I had to pump for 20 - 30 minutes before it would start to really flow. The last 10 -20 minutes of each pumping session is when I would get the majority of my milk. I'd literally get a few (4-6) ounces in the first 20 minutes & then get 20+ ounces the last 20 minutes or so.

Pumping took a lot of time for me. I would usually spend 1 1/2 hours feeding the boys then another 40 minutes pumping, not leaving much time for sleep or anything else. This is why at 7 months I called it quits. I was caring for my boys alone during the day & at 7 months they were becoming more active & I felt my time was better spent with them.


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